Investment Life Cycle


A diagram showing the timing of a business
  • Market Research

    Seek high demand with controlled supply markets/submarkets with strong job & population growth

  • Screening

    Quickly access potential deals and screen for viability.

  • Financial Analysis

    In depth analysis conducted to include 3 and 5 year forecasts,cap rate analysis,rental rate support and expense/recovery analysis.

  • Due Diligence

    Environmental Phase | and Property Condition Assessment are engaged.Tenant interviews and complete suite walk trough’s conducted.

  • Acquisition

    Seamlessly close a levered joint venture partnership.

  • Transition

    Introduction of the selected Property Management,system and Leasing team to the property and confirm strategy and lease rates for leasing team.

  • Execution / Assest Management

    Execute the business plan with monthly meetings to ensure progress.Our Asset Management team will monitor ongoing performance, an annual business plan will be completed and quarterly reporting to investors.

  • Disposition

    PCI seeks to maximize value of each asset and will optimally position each asset to create maximum value base on the property as well as the capital markets during the hold period.

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